FORMULA 15 | Sol LeWitt
Wall Drawing #260

"Sol LeWitt’s wall drawings are the result of a set of drawing instructions directly carried out onto a determined wall. Those instructions are brief and relatively simple— ‘[draw] ten thousand straight and ten thousand not straight lines’— while their results may vary in complexity and spatial extent. LeWitt’s instructions, or formulas, are the vehicles of those ideas.”
-Dial Art Foundation
The Sol Grid Dress
Wall Drawing #337
Wall Drawing #51
The Odile Bustier
Wall Drawing #138

Circles and arcs from the midpoints of four sides.
Wall Drawing #328

2 (L-Shaped Modular Piece)
The 3D Printed Sport Lace Bra and 3D Printed Facemask
LeWitt conceived works of art that were fundamentally geometric and architectonic, and relied on the cube as a starting point for his explorations of space, time, form, volume, repetition, sequence, and variation.
“Ideas cannot be owned. They belong to whoever understands them.”

Incomplete Open Cube
"Successful art changes our understanding of the conventions by altering our perceptions. Perception of ideas leads to new ideas."

Cubic-Modular Wall Structure
While the variations of lines of LeWitt’s Wall Drawing Series drove Chromat’s strict geometric aesthetic, the conceptual side of this processed-based artwork also directly relates to the athletic practice of following a pre-determined workout plan. In this rule-based aerobic process, the body becomes the wall in which to record movements and marks; it is the work of art.
Four Sided Pyramid
The Extruded Cage Pant
Five Open Geometric Structures
"What the work of art looks like isn’t too important. It has to look like something if it has a physical form. No matter what form it may finally have it must begin with an idea. It is the process of conception and realization with which the artist is concerned."
—Sol LeWitt