#ChromatTRAVELS to Italy
Our Senior Designer Alyse recently jetted off to Vicenza, Italy for the Origin Fair hosted by Not Just A Label to showcase Chromat alongside 100 of the world's most ground-breaking independent designers.
Here's a roundup of her favorite digital postcards she sent to the ChromatTEAM while on her trip:
Basilica Palladiana at the center of Vicenza
The Origin Fair
The ultimate "power bitch" Kelly Cutrone serving realness during her Q&A session.
Origin 100 + Flash Hugs
On Day 2, Bliss Lau, Tara from StudyNY and I met the most adorable young boy Alessandro on the bus back to our hotel. He was a high school language student and also a registered tour guide of the city. After showing us the Romeo and Juliet inspired castles, he invited us to a manifestation / flash mob hug for Italy's day against Homophobia. We brought the hug to the Origin Fair!
Wine Cheers with my mom at the Origin Party in Vicenza.
Enjoying work by Flaka Haliti titled "Speculating on the Blue" at the Venice Biennale.