Holidaze Give 20 + Get 20
–Becca McCharen-Tran and the #ChromatTEAM
Beginning Wednesday, November 27, use code “Give20Get20” to receive 20% off at chromat.co. In return, we’ll donate 20% of the proceeds to support three organizations who are empowering our community:
Power U Center for Social Change
Love the Everglades
Supporting, educating and empowering South Florida’s LGBTQ youth and community with housing, medical services, and career development resources to promote dialogue, wellness, and to foster social change.
Sale ends Monday, December 2 at 11:59PM
Read on to learn how #ChromatBABE Arkedabar celebrates and empowers her community during the Holidaze season and all year round.
Arkedabar in the Tidal Suit
What drew you to express yourself in music and performance?
Arkedabar: I've always known that my most meaningful and creative outlets were directly related to art. Music and performing arts are my unique expression that allow me to connect with people.
"We’re made of water. We resonate to sound. Music calibrates our soul, body and mental state."

Arkedabar in the Mica Zip Top and Ericka Zip Bottoms
Who are some of the inspirational femmes in your life?
My mother is my earliest most spiritual/mystical approach to femme subtle and strong energy. She’s the epitome of the meaning of love and the most beautiful magician that I could’ve ever ask for to encounter and be guided by in this life. Yma Sumac. Hyper talented Peruvian coloratura soprano. She grew up with everything and everyone against her. She found her light and way to shine through all adversities. Resilience is highly inspiring and encouraging as part of an immigrant experience and story. She's just an absolute goddess.
Arkedabar in the Mica Zip Top and Ericka Zip Bottoms
Your song Chill Chica is “inspired by a girl whose vision of self procured art is oriented to spirituality and the creating process of an outlet to escape a dense reality.” How does spirituality play a role in your life/music?
"Art with a purpose is my main goal. We’re not taking our properties or money or fame to the other realm. It’s more about our message and legacy. That’s all related to our spiritual mission: what you give is what you get, what you think is what you create."

You’ve said “Hay millones de peces en el agua, pero yo soy una sirena.” (There are millions of fish in the sea, but I am a mermaid.) What is your relationship to water?
"Water is calming, water is mother, water is mystery, water is soothing and wise."
When I need to find an answer I dive in the water. The depth and the unknown is what I’m most drawn to in life. A mermaid can coexist with the deepest and the shallowest waters: both worlds. She’s kind of an outsider. I deeply relate to that concept.
Arkedabar in the Pentagram Suit
In your interview with Discosexo for Orchid FM, you talked about how stripping allows you to unlock new dimensions of your sensuality and femme power. What advice would you give to other people looking to unlock this femme power in their everyday life?
Arkedabar in the Uniform Top and Mikito Bottoms
How has your queer identity has influenced your creative process?
Arkedabar in the Uniform Top and Mikito Bottoms
How has your upbringing in Peru influenced you musically or otherwise?
Arkedabar in the Strata Bodysuit
Why did you choose to move to Miami/what are your favorite things about living here?
Miami captivated me. It’s the upgraded “safe” version of Miraflores (my hometown). Literally Magic City. It is home because of that. Despite everybody’s different experience by living here, I find the support, platform, appreciation, inspiration and uplifting energy that I wasn’t ever able to find where I grew up. I have to admit that sometimes it's a big f*** you to all those voices telling me: “ You’re not allowed”, “You’re not enough”, “You’ll never succeed”, “Stop dreaming”.
"Miami is such a beautiful femme energy that embraces who I am."
I’m immensely grateful for her infinite gifts.
Arkedabar in the Pentagram Suit
What do the holidays mean to you?
Holidays never had an actual meaning to me, until I found myself away from my family (my two aunties and my mom). It is that time of the year when we collectively put aside any differences and look outside our everyday routine to create empathy towards the ones that need it the most. It’s about being reflective and truly appreciative of what we already have.
What does giving back look like to you?
We’re rich. We literally are. We have SO much by just existing and coexisting in such a beautiful environment. Giving back should be directly proportional to what we acknowledge we already have. Giving back is so ethereal by being the support somebody might need, just by listening and encouraging them with our words. I try to remind myself to contribute to society whenever I notice all of my blessings.

What does being a #ChromatBABE mean to you?
"A #ChromatBABE is an invincible femme entity who knows they're the source."
Arkedabar in the Pentagram Suit
Photos by Jade Lilly
Makeup by Storm for MAC Cosmetics
Jewelry by Anna Kikue
Biodegradable Glitter by Bioglitz
Glitter Tooth Polish by CHROM